eComplete SummerSmart Grade 5 - 6 (PDF) Book - Popular Book Company (Canada) Ltd.

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eComplete SummerSmart Grade 5 – 6 (PDF)

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eComplete SummerSmart is an all-in-one, curriculum-based workbook series for children to review the essential concepts they learned in the previous school year and sharpen their skills so that they are well prepared for the next year.  Each of the e...

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eComplete SummerSmart is an all-in-one, curriculum-based workbook series for children to review the essential concepts they learned in the previous school year and sharpen their skills so that they are well prepared for the next year.  Each of the eight units in the book covers English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Arts and Crafts, and Fun Places to Go in Summer.  At the end of the book are Health Tips that provide simple and practical ways for children to boost their well-being, and charts and awards that help them keep track of their progress and encourage them along the way.  Children will love our online content – safety tips, video stories, and hands-on activities – which is accessible through the provided link.

With eComplete SummerSmart, little learners will enjoy the fun of learning all summer long and start the new school year with confidence.


  • Canadian curriculum-based content with Canadian themes and in Canadian context
  • Eight weeks of activities and practice to match the summer schedule
  • Covering key subject areas: Math, English, Science, and Social Studies
  • Arts & Crafts, Fun Places to Go in Summer, and Health Tips sections to enhance summer fun
  • a link that provides easy access to more fun learning resources online

Format: Digital downloadable PDF


200 Pages

ISBN : 978-1-77149-564-6

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