Complete Canadian Curriculum Book for Grade 5

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Complete Canadian Curriculum Book for Grade 5

Complete Canadian Curriculum is an integrated curriculum workbook that covers four key subject areas in the fifth-grade curriculum: Math, English, Social Studies, and Science. The curriculum-based units are designed to ensure that your child under...

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Complete Canadian Curriculum is an integrated curriculum workbook that covers four key subject areas in the fifth-grade curriculum: Math, English, Social Studies, and Science.

The curriculum-based units are designed to ensure that your child understands the concepts and masters the necessary skills. Broken down into individual lessons, each lesson focuses on a topic within that key subject area, and includes detailed explanations with follow along examples.

An answer key is provided at the back of the book to help both students and parents check their work.

With the vivid, full colour, illustrations and interesting activities, your child will find working through Complete Canadian Curriculum both fun and rewarding!

Complete Canadian Curriculum workbooks are created with Canadian curriculum based content and Canadian themes.

Perfect Bound
8¼” X 11¼”
368 Pages

ISBN : 9781771492966

Customer Reviews

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  1. Momof2

    This form of teaching was much easier to use during the closure of schools during the pandemic. It was easier to follow and could be taken anywhere very easily. There were a few chapters that need more explanation and some questions through out the book that needed a quick search for more information from the internet but over all it was easy to navigate and a great tool for home schooling.

  2. Agu

    My son found this product very helpful! It helped him get to know what to expect in 5th Grade. This book provides various activities in 4 subjects. (Math, English, Science, and Social Studies) An answer key to all the activities is provided at the back, which makes it easier for me as a parent to check if he understands the unit/lesson.

  3. Jeannette

    I picked this book up to help with the uncertainty at school and to use during online or if needed to isolate. Well every couple of activities he tells me that he has done this one in school.

  4. kathy

    Great for Snow Days or Weeks and schools are closed an no on line learning.

  5. Melissa B

    Got this for my son to keep engaged over the summer. The book is good quality, very vibrant and looks good!

  6. Jason baker

    It’s very helpful for her study .

  7. xystyn

    Helps students retain old lessons and learning new ones through practice tests and quizzes.

  8. Del

    Excellent in todays day of everything online it’s a great physical resource to help your grade 5 really grasp grade 5 subjects.

  9. Reggi Vallillee

    Very well organized material. Great instructions. Good Canadian content

  10. Rielle

    10/10 loved these books for years
    We buy one every spring for whatever grade my daughter will be starting in September and we do it through the summer to help keep her skills up and get a jump start. She loves it, she really enjoys learning so it’s a nice way for us to sit down together and work through the tough stuff.

  11. Lianna

    All instructions are easy to follow. All the information is accurate. My 10 year old loves this!