What Can You Do at Home to Keep Them Learning Over Family Day?

Family Day is a much needed break for everyone.  A day to be together without virtual learning, or rushing for school, or managing work. Family Day is a day to enjoy one another.

Family Day is the perfect time to integrate authentic learning opportunities into the day.  Authentic learning opportunities are real-world, meaningful experiences for children to explore.  Authentic learning opportunities incorporate the child’s interests and curiosity.  The adult or parent serves as a partner – someone who helps the child gather resources and acts as a point of reference – a grown-up who can respond to questions that might pop up while the child is working on their projects/learning.

The long weekend provides many opportunities to explore and learn.  Here are some meaningful activities you can try with your child.

  1. Build a snow fort or snowman with your child.
    • This provides the perfect opportunity to ask questions and investigate stability
    • Creates an opportunity to see and explore patterns
    • Integrates spatial location (on, under, beside etc.)
  2. Bake with your child.
    • Integrates fractions and whole numbers
    • Uses measurement (temperature, capacity, volume)
    • Uses procedural writing (can have the child write out the recipe)
  3. Go to the library (you can sign up for Epic Books for free) – www.getepic.com
    • Allows the child to choose books based on their interests
    • Opportunities to investigate interests further
    • Opportunity for students to record details, or write about what they read
  4. Do a science experiment.
  5. Have your child write a gratitude letter, or a thank you card as children are more willing to write when they are motivated.

Use your child’s natural curiosity to help them learn this family day weekend!